How long are passports taking?

How long are passports taking?

This is relative to 2023 and obviously YMMV.

My two youngest children had their passports expire and due to them being underage when they were first issued the passports were not eligible for online renewal. We got their pictures made and headed to our local courthouse due to not needing an appointment there. Our post office needs appointments and is not always available.

June 16th, 2023 was the date the applications were submitted and on August 21st they arrived in the mail. We did not pay any extra for the expedited process, just stuck with the standard time. So just past nine weeks. I was pretty pleased with how quickly they came. We have a trip planned in November to the Middle East and didn’t want to have to panic if we got into October and they hadn’t arrived yet.

To make the proccess quick and easy, make sure you go to the website and fill out the forms ahead of time. Check for accuracy and then print them off to take when you file your application.



